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 Official Board Guidlines

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Posts : 12
Join date : 2008-04-25
Age : 33

Official Board Guidlines Empty
PostSubject: Official Board Guidlines   Official Board Guidlines EmptyFri Jun 06, 2008 8:01 am

Please have the time to properly read the stipulated board rules and guidelines. By proceeding to post, you agree to these guidelines and must obey them at all times. Non-compliance will be dealt with appropriate sanctions.

Official Community Boards

The goal of our community forums is to provide support and establish a relaxed, friendly and interactive environment. In ensuring this kind of atmosphere for all members, we have implemented the following guidelines:

All the posts are enjoined to be respectful, constructive, in line with the rules of this forum and always on the topic.

The materials posted and or uploaded to the forum remain the property of the original poster and New Ran Online as the licensed distributor of such content. The administrators of this site together with the forum moderators reserve the right without notice to access and view all materials, to edit the subject of a post, to move topics, to reclarify and to delete all materials deemed inappropriate or disruptive. There will also be a periodic maintenance of the forums to minimize the clutter resulting from too many threads and useless posts.

Interaction within the community boards should be kept within the spirit of fun and cooperation. Maintain a polite atmosphere and always render respect to fellow users. Appropriate actions will be taken against posts and/or topics that could cause disorder in the community beyond civilized debates and disagreements.

Personal attacks on other users or staff members either in public forums or private messages are strictly prohibited.

Profanity being unprofessional and offensive will not be allowed through the word filters built into the community forums. Any action that will circumvent the word filters will result to exemplary punishments.

Advertising or promoting other companies or their products, which may compete with those of New Ran Online Server are extremely prohibited.

We reserve the right to ban any member who violates our guidelines or disrupts our community. We will be fair and provide warning in most cases.

If you have an issue concerning our services, policies, or staff, please use a personal contact method such as a private message or email to a staff member. All moderators, administrators, and support staff are highlighted in the active members list. We take serious complaints to heart and will do our best to address them.


1. Avoid using profanity or any foul language.

2. Avoid racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations.

3. Avoid any posts that are offending and inflammatory

4. Avoid spamming; please keep all your posts as constructive as possible.

5. Pornography, warez, or any other illegal transactions may NOT be linked in any shape or form.

6. Avoid arguing a moderator's decision in public. Any disagreement must first be addressed to the moderator concerned via a private message. Unresolved arguments must then be submitted to the forum administrator supported by the user and moderator's positions.

7. Pictures can be posted so long as it is not offensive and the topic is based on graphics. Users caught posting inappropriate or pornographic photos/images will be penalized- Forum Account Deletion (Forum Moderator's Discretion).

8. Avoid using signatures larger than 350x150. Any unacceptable signature will be requested by the moderators and the forum administrators to be changed or resized. Text signatures are limited to 5 lines. Non-compliance will result in the removal of the signature.

9. Avatars greater than 30KB will not be accepted. Avatar images are limited to 75x75 pixels, larger images will be resized automatically.

10. Always post at the appropriate forum. Misplaced posts will automatically be moved by the forum moderators.

11. Topics recognized as being in the wrong forums should be reported to the forum moderators through private messages for appropriate action and avoid answering the misplaced post.

12. Impersonation of a user in this forum or any mode of communication is strictly prohibited.

13. Avoid spreading false information and rumors about the Game, the Company and other players.

14. Linked and locked topics may be pruned regularly to reduce page clutter. If you have a question about where your topic went, please PM a Moderator or Administrator before starting a new topic asking where it went, or posting a duplicate of the original topic. We will be happy to provide you with a link to the new location, or a reason why it was locked and/or removed.

15. Avoid using link-thru systems to mask originating URL for any external content.

16. As much as possible please avoid using textspeak.

17. Avoid shouting in the boards (denoted by posting messages in "ALL CAPS").

18. Please avoid posting multiple messages with the same contents (hence, no flooding).

Violations of any of these stipulated rules will be dealt with appropriate actions on a case to case basis.

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